We have degraded, fragmented and paved over the majority of natural lands, and the RBG is nobly trying to preserve what they have managed to save. As we have noted before , conservation isn't enough, we need restoration. As population density increases, these natural lands will become further degraded. By focusing on limiting trails to save the remnant, we miss the opportunity to re-evaluate the larger context of roads, parking lots, and unsuitable development in natural areas. RBG protects endangered species TheSpec.com - Local - RBG protects endangered species Trails reworked, protection areas created Eric McGuinness , The Hamilton Spectator, March 11/10 The Royal Botanical Gardens wants to preserve the few remaining green spaces large enough to support endangered plants, amphibians and predator animals such as bald eagles and bobcats. To do it, four special protection areas are being created in Cootes Paradise and Hendrie Valley, pa...