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Response from McMaster re: Parking Lot M

McMaster University
Office of the Provost
Vice-President (Academic)
Ext. 24301

May 10, 2011

Mr. Randy Kay
Restore Cootes
P.O. Box 19
1280 Main Street West
Hamilton ON L8R 1Y3

Dear Mr. Kay,

Thank you for your letter of March 31, 2011, addressed, inter alia, to University Planning Committee. I am responding as Chair of the University Planning Committee.

We share your interest in retaining and enhancing the beauty of Cootes Paradise and our surrounding environment. Your reference from our Campus Master Plan is evidence of our commitment, as is our alternative modes of transportation through increased biking facilities and car sharing. Our Office of Sustainability is actively engaged in improving our environment and engages students and faculty in support of our goals. Their annual report can be found at

Unfortunately, the demand for vehicular transportation continues and the need for parking remains. We do, therefore, need to restore the parking Lot M. In doing so, we have changed the design of the lot to ensure compliance with our 30 m buffer zone policy and extended it beyond the previous lot-design. We have reduced the number of parking spots and as you recognize, we will be using permeable paving to reconstruct the lot. With the assistance of an investment by the City of Hamilton, we will be able to restore this lot to an environmentally responsible standard that will showcase innovation.

Thank you for your interest in our campus. I will share your correspondence with the University Planning Committee and my colleagues in administration.

Yours Sincerely,

Ilene Busch-Vishniac
Provost and Vice President (Academic)


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