Eric McGuinness, The Hamilton Spectator, (Jun 25, 2009)
Hamilton is turning on to turtles.
Dozens of newly recruited Dundas Turtle Watch volunteers have started patrolling Cootes Drive each morning and evening to protect and rescue female turtles crossing to lay eggs.
The busy, four-lane road even sports turtle crossing signs provided by the Toronto Zoo.
At the other end of the city, Stoney Creek's Community Beach Turtle Ponds Association is savouring victory in its fight to protect turtle habitat from residential development.
Ontario Natural Resources Minister Donna Cansfield will visit the Royal Botanical Gardens today to announce funding for species-at-risk work that includes radio-tracking turtles to learn where they travel. Cansfield will try to locate a rare Blanding's turtle in Hendrie Valley by following signals from a transmitter attached to its shell.